Die Höfe bei Ebsdorfergrund Dreihausen und das Ende der karolingischen Großburgen in Nordhessen
Von Dr. Rainer Atzbach MA stammt das PDF „Die Höfe bei Ebsdorfergrund Dreihausen und das Ende der karolingischen Großburgen in Nordhessen“. Im PDF werden „Die Höfe“ u.A. auch mit anderen hessischen Großburgen wie dem Christenberg verglichen. Ein paar mal bin ich schon am Ebsdorfer Grund vorbeigefahren, hatte aber leider nie Zeit mir die Anlage mal aus der Nähe anzusehen. Muss ich unbedingt mal nachholen.
Hier das Abstrakt in englisch, der Text selbst ist auf deutsch:
The castle „Höfe“ close to Ebsdorfergrund-Dreihausen and the end of the Carolingian Fortresses The Castle „Höfe“, situated close to the town Marburg in Northern Hesse, Germany, was regarded in research history only as a Carolingian Fortress, which was erected in the second half of the 8th and deceased in the 9th c. AD. It belonged to the fortification system which was built in the hinterland of the Frankish-Saxon border and worked as backbone facilities for the war against the Saxons. The study confirms the existence of the carolingian period, but shows also that this castle was in use until the 11th c. AD and served as a palatium for the wandering German kingdom. Inside his double wallconstructed ringwall a round chapel and an early storeyed-constructed house was built.
Moreover the final datation of the further Carolingian Fortresses in Northern-Hesse is corrected, most of
them seem to have been existing until the high Middle Ages (11th c. AD). In this period deep changes in the system of power between kingdom and territorial dukes forced their destruction and the erection of new, smaller castles of the local nobility
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